Editorial Complaints Policy


At Sure CBD, we strive to maintain the highest standards of accuracy, fairness, and integrity in our content. We are committed to addressing any concerns or complaints regarding our editorial content in a transparent and timely manner. This Editorial Complaints Policy outlines the process for submitting and resolving complaints.

Making a Complaint

How to Submit a Complaint

If you have concerns about the content published on surecbd.co.uk, please submit your complaint via email to [email protected]. Ensure your email includes a clear description of the issue, including specific details about the content in question, such as the article title, date of publication, and the nature of your complaint.

Information Required

To assist us in addressing your complaint effectively, please include the following information in your email:

Your full name and contact details

A detailed description of your complaint

Any relevant evidence or examples to support your claim

Review Process

Acknowledgment of Receipt

Upon receiving your complaint, we will acknowledge receipt within five business days. We will provide you with an estimated timeline for resolving the issue.


Our editorial team will review your complaint thoroughly. We may contact you for additional information if needed. The investigation process aims to assess the validity of the complaint and determine appropriate actions.


After completing the investigation, we will provide you with a response detailing our findings and any actions taken. We strive to resolve complaints promptly and fairly. If your complaint is upheld, we may make corrections, issue a retraction, or take other appropriate actions as necessary.

Appeal Process

How to Appeal

If you are not satisfied with our initial response, you may appeal the decision by submitting a detailed explanation of why you disagree with the outcome. Please send your appeal to [email protected].

Review of Appeal

Upon receiving your appeal, we will review the decision and provide you with a final response. The appeal review process aims to ensure fairness and address any remaining concerns.


Privacy of Complaints

All complaints will be handled with confidentiality. We will only share details of your complaint with those involved in the review process or as required by law.

Protection from Retaliation

We are committed to protecting individuals who raise concerns in good faith. Retaliation against individuals who submit complaints or participate in investigations is not tolerated.

Contact Us

For any questions or further information regarding this Editorial Complaints Policy, please contact us at [email protected]. We value your feedback and are dedicated to maintaining the integrity and quality of our content.